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Teksten vdr. SI fejl:
Update 21:15 CET: The results in the women’s class were changed after the flower ceremony, around 18:05 CET. Instead of shared third place between Maja Alm and Galina Vinogradova as in the TV broadcast, Maja Alm was given a time one second slower than Galina Vinogradova. Thus at the medal ceremony Vinogradova got the bronze medal alone while Alm was in 4th. The reason for the change in the results was (according to what I have been told by contacts present at EOC) that there were problems with the timing system throughout the event. Several runners did not get a finishing time registered by the SI chip when crossing the finish line. Due to this, the organizers decided to use the backup system (video) for ALL competitors – also for athletes for which there was a time registered in the SI chip. This correction of times based on the backup system was done between the flower ceremony and the medal ceremony for Alm and Vinogradova, and thus Alm was given a one second slower time than Vinogradova. When Denmark noticed the change in the results (around 18:30 CET, according to what I have been told, not official message was given), Denmark delivered a protest. Based on the protest the SI chips of Vinogradova and Alm were checked, and it was found that the finish time was the same for both (in whole seconds). Thus the protest was admitted around 20:00 CET, and the results were corrected to a shared bronze medal between Vinogradova and Alm. There will be a new medal ceremony (not like in EOC 2012 were there was a similar situation with Alm getting a bronze medal after a protest and also was not given the medal at the ceremony). As of 21:30 CET, still waiting for official results.

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